So I'm dropping my guard, Here's your chance at my heart.

I'm strong enough
I've always told myself
I never wanna need somebody else
But I've already fallen from that hill
So I'm dropping my guard,
Here's your chance at my heart and
Oh, no
My walls are gonna break
So close
It's more than I can take
I'm so tired of turning and running away
When love just isn't safe
Everything you want, but it's everythiung you need
It's not always happy endings
But it's all the in-between
It's taken so long, so long to finally see
That your love is worth the risk
Oh, no
My walls are gonna break
Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.
dag 2 - nio saker om mig själv
dag 3 - åtta sätt att vinna ditt hjärta
dag 4 - sju saker du ofta tänker på
dag 5 - fem saker du skulle vilja göra
dag 6 - två favoritlåtar
dag 7 - en bekännelse
Nu ska jag precis som alla andra coola bloggare göra en veckolista and I will start to morrow!
Nu ska jag precis som alla andra coola bloggare göra en veckolista and I will start to morrow!
och bara för att denna är såhär bra så blir det en video med!
One can not love without opening oneself, and opening oneself, that's taking the risk of suffering. One does not have control. -Isabelle Adjani

I watch the rain fall clean from the heavens
As the skies part open I search for a sign
But I don't mind if you don't mind
Collecting dust in lines on the pavement
In this sweet surrender
Running out of time
But I don't mind if you don't mind
[ Lyrics from: ]
I'm all right
I'm all right
I'm all right
I don't mind if you don't mind
I'm all right
I'm all right
Got a picture of you, I carry in my heart Close my eyes to see it, when the night gets dark
If you asked me how I'm doing
I'd say just fine
But the truth is, baby
If you could read my mind
Not a day goes by
That I don't think of you
After all this time
You're still with me it's true
Somehow you remain
Locked so deep inside
That baby, baby, oh, baby
Not a day goes by
It was you who made me feel something new, something real.
your'e on my mind almost every day,
my memories stay they never fade.
where is my home if it aint with you,
can not see you in the arms of someone new.
Lilla hjärtat varför står du bara där o ler, vad ska jag göra för att du ska se?
But I know it's amazing, can save me. My time is coming.
Sometimes I wish I was someone other than me
Fighting to make the mirror happy
Trying to find whatever is missing
Won't you help me back to glory
the morning light is shining away and the fire heals the pain
Sätter punkt vänder blad och går vidare, sätter punkt för tiden som var, sätter punkt vänder blad och går vidare.
jag borde ha vaknat och fattat och sett men jag somnade om
Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love ~ Albert Einstein

Don't ever worry about things, that doesn't worry about you.
You've got that smile, That only heaven can make. I pray to God everyday, That you keep that smile.
Will you fall for me, the way I've fallen for you?
säger här med godnatt med en mysig låt, längtar som tusan till sånglektionen i morgon!
There's something and I don't know what it is, It's just haunting my mind.

Never chase anyone. A person who appreciates you will walk with you.
Absolut en av de finaste låtarna jag hört i hela mitt liv. Precis en sån låt som får mig helt stum, får mig att tänka djupt. Visst, den sliter fram ångesten men den kommer man inte undan ändå.
Pretending to be happy when you are in pain is just an example of how strong you are as a person. Still making that simple smile when every part of you dies.
innan jag somnar måste jag bara få säga hur galet bra denna tjejen är, helt sjuk!
Save your heart for someone that's worth dying for, don't give it away. Save your heart for someone who leaves you breathless.
She fell to the bottom of her life
This wasn't meant for two
She struggles to find herself in time
But she can barely move
Just try and get up
You gotta slowly brush off
I know that words aren't enough
But you're better than this
heeeeej tråkig blogg!
Skolan tar fööör mycket tid just nu, sover ju nästan direkt när jag kommer hem känns det som. Just nu håller jag i alla fall på att fixa lite med mitt rum, jag har ju fått hem en massa bilder som ska pryda väggen är det tänkt.
Jag slänger in lite bilder senare! tjingeling
A word can make you speechless, a glance can make you breathless. But there's only that one beautiful person who can make it all possible.
Tänkte bara avrunda en otroligt lyckad dag med ett meningslöst inlägg där jag säger godnatt. '
Jag måste bara få säga hur otroligt tacksam jag är över att ha min underbara syster och hennes vackra barn nära mig. Felica och Noel är något av det finaste som finns och som moster Amanda älskar högt över molnen. Hade något hänt mina änglar, då vet jag inte vad jag gjort.
I've been awake for a while now
You make me feel like a child now
'Cause every time I see your bubbly face
I get the tinglies in a silly place
It starts in my toes
Makes me crinkle my nose
Wherever it goes
I always know
That you make me smile
Please stay for a while now
Just take your time
Wherever you go
Cause they don't even know you all they see is scars,they don't see the angel living in your heart
You just have to learn to forget about the people who forget about you

Jag är ganska tom på ord just nu känner jag. Jag är ordentligt trött och har en massa huvudvärk på köpet. Tänkte jag skulle gå ut och gå en sväng nu i alla fall, behöver röra på fläsket.
Igår var jag i alla fall i Malmö och såg Daniel Adams Ray, så sjukt grymma live! Skulle egentligen sett Veronica Maggio egentligen men Disa och Backman ville självklart inte se henne.. Oh vad jag ångrar att jag inte stannade ändå.
Would it make you, feel better to watch me while I bleed?
Only silence as it's ending, like we never had a chance
Do you have to, make me feel like there is nothing left of me?